MARK YOUR CALENDAR: Master Chef: Flavoring And Savoring Passover With Susan Barocas & Bonnie Benwick At Hill Center DC On April 3
March 14,2022 –
March 14,2022
Hill Center DC
921 Pennsylvania Avenue SE
921 Pennsylvania Avenue SE
Sephardic and Ashkenazic flavors come together for a Passover class featuring new twists on some old favorites. Starting with two not-the-usual haroset, you will work your way through an everything-but-the-main meal for Seder and beyond. The meal included the fine points of matzah ball soup plus a fish dish (not gefilte), two vegetable dishes and a pair of desserts. The class includes tastings, hands-on cooking, and some food to take home, so bring a few containers along with an apron. Tickets are $100 per person and the event is from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on April 3. For tickets and more information please click here.