Oyamel Tequila Mezcal Fest Cocktail Tasting

March 08,2021 – March 08,2021 all-day
401 7th Street NW

Join in on this cocktail tasting during Oyamel's Tequila Mezcal Fest. A three-cocktail package is accompanied by snacks including cacahuetes, chapulines and chicharrones. The event is hosted, virtually, by Oyamel’s beverage team, who will share details about the cocktails and spirits for you to follow along at home. The cocktails are designed to showcase the variety of ingredients and flavors found all over Mexico, focusing on a few very regional ingredients (nances, poblano, hoja santa) to complement the spirits. 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. 

Dine in throughout the Oyamel Tequila Mezcal Fest and make a reservation to dine on Oaxacan-inspired specials on Oyamel’s recently expanded patio or in the restaurant (with reduced seating to meet distancing standards). You can also join in on the fun at home with virtual cocktail packages. Order a cocktail to-go package, which includes a virtual cocktail class.

For more information, please click here.