You Can Take The Chefs Out Of The City


Well, hello there and welcome to another episode of Industry Night with me, Nycci Nellis. I am back in Delaplane at the beautiful Barrel Oak Winery & Brewery.

And let’s talk about today's show!
Scott Drewno & Danny Lee. I’ve known these two for so long — I just can’t believe they’re both this old.
So I was doing some research. I thought I’d met Danny first but I think I may have met Scott first. Danny & his mom, Mama Lee opened up Mandu around the corner from my old apartment on 18th & T in 2006. David and I frequented the spot but I have a very clear memory of meeting Danny when he opened up the 2nd Mandu in the Mt Vernon Triangle area in 2011. I think on opening night — we were with David Hagedorn & Michael Widomski — That area was just coming to life and Mandu, this beautiful gem serving Authentic Korean food. Find the full episode here