The Festival of Lights
Ohhhhhhh... I had a little dreidel, I made it out of clay… Get ready to light up your Menorah, flip those latkes and fry up that sufganiyot. Hanukkah is begins the night of December 7th and area restaurants are ready with feasts for this year's fest!
*NEW* Baked by Yael: Baked by Yael has Menorah Cake Pops, Challah (plus pretty Challah Boards, and Wood-Carved Menorahs) available for order; 202.234.9235. 3000 Connecticut Avenue NW. To place an order, click here.
*NEW* CMB at Home: Let CMB at Home lift some stresses that come with Hanukkah hustle and bustle, providing warmth, comfort and joy within your home. Allow them to curate personalized packages for any holiday celebrations, with pick-up or delivery available from Friday, December 8th - Saturday, December 16th. Some menu highlights include Prime Rib, Potato Latkes, Sufganiyot Jelly Donuts, and more. Orders must be placed by Friday, December 15th at midnight. Pick-up orders can be picked up Michele's (1201 K Street NW) or Baker's Daughter Georgetown (1605 Wisconsin Avenue NW); To place an order, click here.
Call Your Mother Deli: Introducing CYM holiday catering. They're frying up heaps of latkes, whipping up a truckload of doughnut dough, and possibly planning some in-shop specials. Check out the iconic lineup of num nums below and prepare for loved ones (and taste buds) to express their deepest gratitude; Multiple Locations. To place an order, click here.
Dawson's Market: Discover the joy of Hanukkah at Dawson's Market. They're serving up a special Hanukkah menu that brings the warmth and flavor of the season to your table; 240.428.1386. 225 N. Washington Street, Rockville, MD. To place an order, click here.
*NEW* The Duck & The Peach: The Duck & The Peach Pastry Chef Rochelle Cooper is offering a 4-pack of Sufganiyot Jelly Doughnuts for $20. Orders must be placed by 8:00 p.m. the night before; 202.431.1913. 300 7th Street SE. To place an order, click here.
Ivy and Coney: Beginning Friday, December 1st through the end of the month, the Manischewitz shall flow, the dreidels shall spin, and fun will be had at Ivy and Coney with their pop-up bar “Chai-vy & Cohen-y”. The really fun part with fire gets going the evening of Thursday, December 7th and continues on every night until Thursday, December 14th. Yes, there will be presents. They will be donating all proceeds from the sale of kosher wine to HIAS for their work helping refugees from across the globe; 202.670.9489. 1537 7th Street NW. For more information, click here.
Manischewitz: Manischewitz, a century-long leader in kosher culinary offerings, introduces the Ugly Sweater Chanukah Sugar Cookie Kit for $8.99. It includes sugar cookie mix, color powders, sprinkle mix, piping bags, and a unique sweater cookie cutter. For convenient fun, try the Ready to Decorate Pre-Baked Sugar Cookie Kit at $9.99, featuring 12 festive-shaped cookies with decor. Explore more with the Manischewitz Chanukah House Cookie Kit, the Donut Making Kit, and the Potato Pancake Mix for savory latkes; To place an order, click here.
SABABA: SABABA, is set to light up Hanukkah with special menu delights. From Thursday, December 7th - Thursday, December 14th. During dinner service, choose from Executive Chef Ryan Moore's $28 Brisket with braised red cabbage, dates, and citrus or the unique Sufganiyot cocktail at $14, inspired by Israel's jelly donuts. Don't miss the nightly latke extravaganza, each day featuring a different flavor, priced at $12; 202.244.6750. 3311 Connecticut Avenue NW. For more information, click here.
*NEW* Silver & Sons BBQ: Chef Jarrad Silver's Hanukkah catering menu blends BBQ and Mediterranean flavors. Some menu highlights include Brisket Bourekas, Challah Loaf, Pomegranate Glazed Atlantic Salmon, and more. Orders can be picked up on Thursday, December 7th - Friday, December 8th, as well as on Wednesday, December 13th; 11910 Parklawn Drive, Rockville, MD. To place an order, click here.
Sixth & I: Enjoy a Chanukah Party on Monday, December 11th at 7:30 p.m. Sixth & I invites guests to celebrate the 5th night of Chanukah. The event, featuring festive drinks and a latke bar from Buffalo and Bergen, allows attendees to taste and vote on their favorite sufganiyot from local restaurants. The festivities include lighting the menorah and a spirited dreidel tournament where the winner takes all. As part of the celebration, the event supports the DC Coalition Against Domestic Violence's annual holiday gift drive for families in DC. Attendees can contribute by purchasing items from the wish list or bringing gifts to the Chanukah party. Admission is $15 per person; 202.408.3100. 600 I Street NW. To purchase a ticket, click here.