Family Meals for Migrants

For those of you who do not know, Food Rescue US - DC is the food rescue program serving the DMV through volunteers who consult the Food Rescue app to self-select food rescues matched between donor businesses and agencies that serve the food insecure. Food Rescue & RAMW have recently partnered to work together toward the mission to both avoid food waste and feed neighbors in need. Recently, the Migrant Solidarity Mutual Aid (MSMA), a volunteer-driven organization focused on finding food, shelter, and jobs for people seeking asylum in the United States who have been bussed from Texas into the District has reached out to Food Rescue for assistance. MSMA is currently working with a few different government agencies but with the number of migrants reaching beyond 1,000 and growing by the week, it’s been a challenge to feed everyone. One of their biggest challenges is finding food that is culturally appropriate and nutritious. Food Rescue US - DC has directed food their way, but they are looking to do more to meet the need. Site Coordinator Colleen Gillespie is asking local restaurants to expand upon the family or staff meal, by providing surplus or preparing extra meals, usually rice, beans, chicken and perhaps a salad. Named “Family Meal for Migrants” the program is asking restaurants to join this effort for just one day, or once or twice a month. Food Rescue US - DC/MSMA volunteers handle the pick-up and delivery. If interested in learning more about Family Meal for Migrants or becoming a food donor in general, please reach out to Colleen Gillespie at Food Rescue US - DC ([email protected]).