Foodie & The Beast from Home: May 17, 2020
Nycci and David are still trapped at home, but that didn’t stop them or some great guests from telling you all about the restaurant and hospitality industry’s broad efforts to surmount the COVID 19 madness. Joining us are Amy Brandwein, celebrated chef/owner of both Centrolina and Piccolina in City Center DC, with updates on her pivots to respond to COVID while keeping business going and staff employed, with delish new take-out and delivery options that are totalmente delizioso; James Beard Award-winning journalist Kathy Gunst and the Food Network’s Katherine Alford, who transformed punching bread and rolling out pie crusts to express rage about the current state of our country into a spectacular new baking cookbook, RAGE BAKING: The Transformative Power of Flour, Fury, and Women’s Voices; Greg Casten, president of OceanPro Industries (think Profish sustainable seafood, Ivy City Smokehouse, Tony & Joe’s...) with his COVID pivot – home deliveries of the freshest seafood, meats, and more; Mitch Berliner in with his weekly Central Farm Market check in, and DC restaurateur Adam Fry, in with details on DC To-Go-Go, the new, web-based food and beverage ordering platform allowing bar and restaurant owners to better control their food delivery costs, instead of paying up to 30% of their profits to the larger food ordering platforms. Turn on, tune in and …enjoy!