Brunch Heaven: The List’s List of Brunch Spots
Ada's on the River: Saturday/Sunday; 3 Pioneer Mill Way, Alexandria; adasontheriver.com
The Admiral: Saturday/Sunday (bottomless); 1 Dupont Circle, NW; theadmiraldc.com
Agora: Saturday/Sunday (bottomless); 1527 17th Street NW; agorarestaurants.net
Al Dente: Saturday/Sunday; 3201 New Mexico Avenue NW; aldentedc.com
ala: Saturday/Sunday (bottomless); 1320 19th St NW; ala-dc.com
*NEW* Alfreda: Sundays from 12pm-3pm; 2016 P Street NW; alfredadc.com
All Purpose: Saturday/Sunday (bottomless); Shaw & Riverfront; allpurposedc.com
All Set: Saturday/Sunday; 8630 Fenton Street; allsetrestaurant.com
Alta Strada: Saturday/Sunday; Mosaic District; .altastradarestaurant.com
Amazonia: Saturday/Sunday; 920 Blagden Alley; resy.com
Ambar Capitol Hill: Saturday/Sunday (bottomless); 523 8th St SE; ambarrestaurant.com
Anju: Saturday/Sunday; 1805 18th Street NW; anjurestaurant.com
Astro Beer Hall: Saturday/Sunday; 1306 G Street; .astrobeerhall.com
B Side: Daily; 709 D Street NW; redapronbutchery.com
Barca Pier & Wine Bar: Sunday; 2 Pioneer Mil Way, Alexandria; barcaalx.com
Balos: Saturday/Sunday; 1940 N Street NW; balosrestaurants.com
Bantam King: Saturday/Sunday; 501 G Street NW; bantamking.com
Bar Charley: Saturday/Sunday (bottomless); 1825 18th Street NW; barcharley.com
Bar Chinois: Sunday (bottomless); 455 I Street NW; barchinoisdc.com
Birch & Barley: Saturday/Sunday; 1337 14th Street NW; birchandbarley.com
*NEW* Bistro Bis: Saturday from 8:00am - 2:00 p.m/Sunday from 9:00am - 3:00 p.m; 15 E Street NW; hotelgeorge.com/capitol-hill-restaurants/bistro-bis
Bistro Du Jour: Saturday/Sunday; 99 District Square SW; bistro-dujour.com
Black Salt: Saturday/Sunday; 4883 MacArthur Boulevard NW; blacksaltrestaurant.com
Blackwall Hitch: Sunday; barnandlodge.com
Blue Duck Tavern: Saturday/Sunday; 1201 24th Street NW; blueducktavern.com
Boqueria: Saturday/Sunday (bottomless); Dupont, Penn Quarter; boqueriarestaurant.com
Boundary Stone: Saturday/Sunday; 116 Rhode Island Avenue NW; boundarystonedc.com
Brasserie Liberté: Saturday/Sunday (mimosa kits); 3251 Prospect Street NW; libertedc.com
Brookland's Finest: Saturday/Sunday; 3126 12TH Street; brooklandsfinest.com
Buena Vida: Saturday/Sunday (bottomless); 2900 Wilson Boulevard, VA; buenavidagastrolounge.com
Burtons Grill: Saturday/Sunday; Alexandria, Gaithersburg, Riverdale Park; burtonsgrill.com
Cafe du Parc: Saturday/Sunday; 1401 Pennsylvania Avenue NW; cafeduparc.com
Cafe Riggs: Saturday/Sunday; 900 F Street NW; riggsdc.com
Casa Teresa: Brunch Saturdays from 11:30-4pm; teresadc.com
Casta’s Rum Bar: Saturday/all day parties Sunday; 1121 New Hampshire Avenue NW; castasrumbar.com
Chaplin's: Saturday & Sunday; 1501 9th Street NW; chaplinsdc.com
Cheesetique: Saturday/Sunday; Del Ray; cheesetique.com
ChiKo Bethesda/Dupont: Saturday/Sunday (Dim Sum); mychiko.com/dim-sum
China Chilcano: Saturday/Sunday; 419 7th Street NW; chinachilcano.com
Compass Rose: Sunday (bottomless); 1346 T Street NW; compassrosedc.com
Commissary: Daily (bottomless on weekends); 1443 P Street NW; commissarydc.com
Commodore: weekends; site here
Crane's: Bottomless Mimosas during brunch; 724 9th St NW; cranes-dc.com
Cork Wine Bar: Saturday/Sunday; 1805 14th Street NW; corkdc.com
*NEW* Corso Italian: Saturdays & Sundays from 11am-3pm; 4024 Campbell Avenue, Arlington, VA; corsoitalian.com
Courtyard Bar at The Fairmont: Saturday/Sunday; 2401 M Street NW; fairmont.com
Dauphine's: Sunday; 1100 15th Street NW; dauphinesdc.com
DC Vegan: Saturday/Sunday; 1633 P Street NW; dc-vegan.com
dLeña: Saturday/Sunday (bottomless); 476 K Street NW; dlenadc.com
Del Mar: Saturday/Sunday; 791 Wharf Street SW; delmardc.com
Dolce Vita: Sunday; 1610 14th Street NW; dolcevitadc.com
Due South: Saturday/Sunday (bottomless); 301 Water St SE; duesouthdc.com
Duke’s Grocery: Saturday/Sunday (bottomless); Dupont, Foggy Bottom; dukesgrocery.com
El Chucho Cocina Superior: Saturday/Sunday (bottomless); 3313 11th St NW; elchuchodc.com
El Techo: Saturday/Sunday (bottomless); 606 Florida Ave NW; eltechodc.com
Estuary at the Conrad: Daily (starting 7:00 a.m.); 950 New York Avenue NW; estuarydc.com
Et Voila!: Saturday/Sunday; 5120 MacArthur Boulevard NW; etvoiladc.com
Equinox: Sunday; 900 19th Street NW; equinoxrestaurant.com
Evening Star: Saturday/Sunday; 2000 Mt Vernon Avenue, Alexandria; eveningstarcafe.net
Farmers Fishers Bakers: Saturday/Sunday; 3000 K Street NW; farmersfishersbakers.com
Fight Club: Saturday/Sunday; 633 Pennsylvania Avenue SE; fightclubdc.com
Fiola Mare: Saturday/Sunday; 3050 K Street NW; fiolamaredc.com
Founding Farmers: Saturday/Sunday; Potomac, DC, Tysons; wearefoundingfarmers.com
Flora Flora: Saturday/Sunday; 655 Water St SW; pendry.com
Gaylord National: Sunday; 201 Waterfront St. Oxon Hill, MD; sevenrooms.com
Gatsby: Saturday/Sunday (bottomless); 1205 Half Street; gatsbyrestaurant.com
Gerrard Street Kitchen: Saturday/Sunday; 1515 Rhode Island Avenue NW; thedarcyhotel.com
Ghostburger: Saturday/Sunday; ghostburgerdc.com
The Grill: Saturday/Sunday; 99 Market Square SW; thegrilldc.com
Halfsmoke: Daily (bottomless); 651 Florida Avenue NW; halfsmoke.com
Hank's Oyster Bar: Friday-Sunday; 1624 Q. Street NW; hanksoysterbar.com
Harvey's: Sunday; 513 W. Broad Street; harveysva.com
Hen Quarter: Saturday 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM & Sunday 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM.; 2121 1st Street SW, Washington, DC 20024; henquarter.com
Hello Betty: Saturday/Sunday; 940 Rose Avenue, North Bethesda; hellobettybethesda.com
Honeymoon Chicken: Saturday/Sunday; Petworth & Bethesda, MD; honeymoonchicken.com
I Egg You: Daily; 423 8th Street SE; ieggyou.com
ilili: Sunday; 100 District Square SW; ililirestaurants.com
Immigrant Food: Saturday/Sunday; 1701 Pennsylvania Avenue NW; immigrantfood.com
Imperfecto: Sunday; 1124 23rd Street NW; imperfectodc.com
The Imperial: Saturday/Sunday; 2001 18th Street NW; imperialdc.com
Ivy City Smokehouse: Sunday; 1356 Okie Street NE; tavern.ivycitysmokehouse.com
Jack Rose: Sunday; 2007 18th Street NW; jackrosediningsaloon.com
J. Hollinger's: Sundays; 8606 Colesville Road; jhollingers.com
Joe’s Seafood: Saturday/Sunday; 750 15th Street NW; joes.net
Joon: Dog-Friendly; Sunday (bottomless); 8045 Leesburg Pike, Vienna, VA; eatjoon.com
Joy by Seven Reasons: Saturday/Sunday; 5471 Wisconsin Avenue, Chevy Chase, MD; sevenreasonsgroup.com/joy-by-seven-reasons
King Street Oyster Bar: Saturday/Sunday; kingstreetoysterbar.com
L'Ardente: Saturday/Sunday; 200 Massachusetts Avenue NW; lardente.com
La Famosa: Saturday/Sunday; 1300 4th Street SE; eatlafamosa.com
Laduree: Saturday/Sunday; 3060 M Street NW; laduree.us
The Lafayette at Hay Adams: Saturday/Sunday; 800 16th Street NW; hayadams.com
Le Diplomate: Saturday/Sunday; 1601 14th Street NW; lediplomatedc.com
Le Mont Royal: Saturday/Sunday; 1815 Adams Mill Rd NW; lemontdc.com
*NEW* Moonraker at The Pendry: Sunday; 655 Water Street SW #14th; pendry.com/washington-dc/dining/moonraker
Láylí: Weekends; 3033 Wilson Blvd.; layligarden.com
Lebanese Taverna: Saturday/Sunday; Silver Spring, Rockville, DC; lebanesetaverna.com
Little Black Bird: Sunday; 3309 Connecticut Avenue, NW; littleblackbirddc.com
Logan Tavern: Saturday/Sunday; 1423 P Street NW; logantavern.com
Lupo Pizzeria: Saturday/Sunday (bottomless); 1908 14th Street NW; lupopizzeriadc.com
Lupo Verde: Saturday/Sunday (bottomless); 1401 T Street NW; lupoverdedc.com
Lutece: Saturday/Sunday; 1522 Wisconsin Avenue NW; lutecedc.com
Lyle’s: Saturday/Sunday (DJ, bottomless); 1731 New Hampshire Avenue NW; lyledc.com
*NEW* Madhatter: 1319 Connecticut Avenue NW; madhatterdc.com
Maiz64: Saturday/Sunday; 1324 14th Street NW; maiz64.com
Makan: Saturday/Sunday; 3400 11th Street NW; makarestaurantdc.com
Matt and Tony's: Tuesday-Sunday; 1501 Mount Vernon Avenue, Alexandria; mattandtonysva.com
Medium Rare: Saturday/Sunday (bottomless); Bethesda, DC, Arlington; mediumrarerestaurant.com
Milk & Honey: Weekend brunch: 1116 H St NE; themilkandhoney.com
Mi Casa: Saturday/Sunday (bottomless); 1647 20th Street NW; micasa-mexico.com
Mi Vida: Monthly DJ brunch, last Sunday of the month; Penn Quarter & The Wharf; mividamexico.com
Mercy Me: Saturday and Sunday from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm; mercymedc.com
Mission Dupont/Navy Yard: Saturday/Sunday (bottomless); missiondupont.com; missionnavyyard.com
Mon Ami Gabi: Saturday/Sunday; 7239 Woodmont Avenue; monamigabi.com
North Italia: Saturday/Sunday; 2112 Pennsylvania Avenue NW; northitalia.com
Officina: Saturday/Sunday; 1120 Maine Avenue SW; officinadc.com
Opal: 5534 Connecticut Avenue NW; opal-dc.com
Opaline: Saturday/Sunday; 806 15th Street NW; opalinedc.com
Ottoman Taverna: Saturday/Sunday (bottomless); ottomantaverna.com
Pamplona: Saturday/Sunday (bottomless); 3100 Clarendon Blvd, Arlington; pamplonava.com
Parlour Victoria: Sunday; 1011 K Street NW; moxydcdining.com/parlour-victoria
Patty O's Cafe: Sunday; 389 Main Street, Washington, VA; exploretock.com/pattyoscafe
Pearl Dive Oyster Palace: Saturday/Sunday; 1612 14th Street NW; pearldivedc.com
The Pembroke: Saturday/Sunday; 1500 New Hampshire Avenue NW; thepembrokedc.com
Petite Cerise: Daily; 1027 7th Street NW; petitecerisedc.com
Pisco y Nazca: Saturday/Sunday; 1823 L Street NW; piscoynazca.com
Purl: Saturday/Sunday; 644 H Street NE; purldc.com
Residents Cafe & Bar: Sunday; 1306 18th Street NW; residentsdc.com
Roofer's Union: Sundays (bottomless); 2446 18th St NW; roofersuniondc.com
Rustico: Saturday/Sunday; Alexandria; rusticorestaurant.com
Ruthie’s All Day: Saturday/Sunday; 3411 5th Street S Arlington; ruthiesallday.com
The Saga: 1190 22nd Street NW; thesagadc.com
Salazar: Saturday/Sunday; 1819 14th Street NW; salazardc.com
The Salt Line: Saturday/Sunday; 4040 Wilson Boulevard; 703.566.2075; thesaltline.com
Season’s at the Four Seasons: Saturday/Sunday; 2800 Pennsylvania Avenue NW; fourseasons.com
SER: Saturday/Sunday; 1110 N Glebe Road Arlington; serrestaurant.com
Seven Reasons: Sunday (DJ); 931 H Street NE; sevenreasonsgroup.com/seven-reasons
Shilling Canning Company: Saturday/Sunday; 360 Water Street SE; shillingcanning.com
Smoke & Mirrors: Saturday/Sunday; 867 New Jersey Avenue SE; smokeandmirrorsrooftop.com
The Square: Saturday; 1850 K St NW; dcthesquare.com
Steak Frites: weekend brunch with a new menu; site here
STK Steakhouse: 901 Massachusetts Avenue NW; stksteakhouse.com
Succotash Prime: Saturday/Sunday; 915 F Street NW; succotashrestaurant.com
Summer House Santa Monica: Saturday/Sunday; 11825 Grand Park Avenue; summerhousesm.com
Surreal: Saturday/Sunday; 2117 Crystal Drive, Arlington, VA; sevenreasonsgroup.com/surreal
Tabard Inn: Saturday/Sunday; 1739 N Street NW; tabardinn.com
Taberna del Alabardero: Saturday/Sunday; 1776 I Street NW; alabardero.com
Tabla: Saturday/Sunday; 3227 Georgia Avenue NW; tabladc.com
Takoda: Saturday/Sunday (bottomless); 715 Florida Ave NW; takodadc.com
The Grove: Saturday/Sunday; thegrovemd.com
Teddy & The Bully Bar: Sunday (bottomless); 1200 19th Street NW; teddyandthebullybar.com
Tony & Joe’s: Saturday/Sunday; 3000 K Street NW; tonyandjoes.com
Vermilion: Saturday/Sunday; 1120 King Street Alexandria; vermilionrestaurant.com
Vue: Saturday/Sunday; 515 15th Street NW; thehotelwashington.com
Wilson Hardware: Saturday/Sunday; 2915 Wilson Boulevard; wilsonhardwareva.com
Zaytinya: Saturday/Sunday; 701 9th Street NW; zaytinya.com