The List’s List of Brunch: Summer Edition
They say DC is a brunch town, and after a bit of digging, we here at the List will tell you that that assessment is 100 percent accurate. The List team has been busy at work compiling the best places for your leisurely weekend brunch - Saturdays, Sundays, Bottomless, Dress Up, or Dress Down - however you do, we got you. And you are welcome:
Ada's on the River: (Saturday/Sunday); 3 Pioneer Mill Way, Alexandria; adasontheriver.com
The Admiral: (Saturday/Sunday, bottomless); 1 Dupont Circle, NW; theadmiraldc.com
Agora: Saturday/Sunday (bottomless); 1527 17th Street NW; agorarestaurants.net
Al Dente: Saturday/Sunday; 3201 New Mexico Avenue NW; aldentedc.com
ala: Saturday/Sunday (bottomless); 1320 19th St NW; ala-dc.com
All Set: Saturday party brunches/Sunday; 8630 Fenton Street; allsetrestaurant.com
Ambar Capitol Hill: Saturday/Sunday (bottomless); 523 8th St SE; ambarrestaurant.com
Anju: Saturday/Sunday; 1805 18th Street NW; anjurestaurant.com
Assembly: Saturday; 1700 N Moore Street, Arlington; assembly-va.com
B Side: Daily; 709 D street NW; redapronbutchery.com
Barca Pier & Wine Bar: 2 Pioneer Mil Way, Alexandria; barcaalx.com
Bammy's: Saturday (DJ); 301 Water Street SE; bammysdc.com
Bantam King: Sunday; 501 G Street NW; bantamking.com
Bar Charley: Saturday/Sunday (bottomless); 1825 18th Street NW; barcharley.com
Bar Chinois: Sunday (bottomless); 455 I Street NW; barchinoisdc.com
Bistro Du Jour: Saturday/Sunday; 99 District Square SW; bistro-dujour.com
Black Salt: Saturday/Sunday; 4883 MacArthur Boulevard NW; blacksaltrestaurant.com
BLive: Saturday/Sunday (all day; Bloody Mary bar); 2854 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington; bliveva.com
Blue Duck Tavern: Saturday/Sunday (bottomless); 1201 24th Street NW; blueducktavern.com
Boqueria: Saturday/Sunday (bottomless); Dupont, Penn Quarter; boqueriarestaurant.com
Boundary Stone: Saturday/Sunday; 116 Rhode Island Avenue NW; boundarystonedc.com
Brasserie Liberté: Saturday/Sunday (mimosa kits); 3251 Prospect Street NW; libertedc.com
Cafe du Parc: Saturday/Sunday; 1401 Pennsylvania Avenue NW; cafeduparc.com
Casta’s Rum Bar: Saturday/all day parties Sunday; 1121 New Hampshire Avenue NW; castasrumbar.com
Cheesetique: Saturday/Sunday; Del Ray, Shirlington; cheesetique.com
ChiKo Bethesda: Saturday/Sunday (Dim Sum); 7280 Woodmont Avenue, Bethesda; mychiko.com/dim-sum
China Chilcano: Saturday/Sunday; 419 7th Street NW; chinachilcano.com
Compass Rose: Sunday (bottomless); 1346 T Street NW; compassrosedc.com
Commissary: (Daily, bottomless on weekends); 1443 P Street NW; commissarydc.com
Cork Wine Bar: Saturday/Sunday; 1805 14th Street NW; corkdc.com
Courtyard Bar at The Fairmont: Saturday/Sunday; 2401 M Street NW; fairmont.com
Dauphine's: Sunday; 1100 15th Street NW; dauphinesdc.com
dLeña: Saturday/Sunday (bottomless); 476 K Street NW; dlenadc.com
Del Mar: Saturday/Sunday; 791 Wharf Street SW; delmardc.com
Destino: Saturday/Sunday; 1280 4th Street NE; destinodc.com
Dolce Vita: Sunday; 1610 14th Street NW; dolcevitadc.com
Due South: Saturday/Sunday (bottomless); 301 Water St SE; duesouthdc.com
Duke’s Grocery: Saturday/Sunday (bottomless); Dupont, Foggy Bottom; dukesgrocery.com
El Chucho Cocina Superior: Saturday/Sunday (bottomless); 3313 11th St NW; elchuchodc.com
El Techo: Saturday/Sunday (bottomless); 606 Florida Ave NW; eltechodc.com
Espita: Saturday/Sunday (mimosa kits); 1250 9th Street NW; espitadc.com
Estuary at the Conrad: Saturday/Sunday (starting 7:00 a.m.); 950 New York Avenue NW; estuarydc.com
Et Voila!: Saturday/Sunday; 5120 MacArthur Boulevard NW; etvoiladc.com
Equinox: Sunday (unlimited tastings); 818 Connecticut Avenue NW; equinoxrestaurant.com
Evening Star: Saturday/Sunday; 2000 Mt Vernon Avenue, Alexandria; eveningstarcafe.net
Fainting Goat: Saturday/Sunday (bottomless); 1330 U Street NW; faintinggoatdc.com
Farmers Fishers Bakers: Saturday/Sunday; 3000 K Street NW; farmersfishersbakers.com
Fight Club: Saturday/Sunday; 633 Pennsylvania Avenue SE; resy.com
Fiola Mare: Saturday/Sunday; 3050 K Street NW; fiolamaredc.com
Founding Farmers: Saturday/Sunday; Potomac, DC, Tysons; wearefoundingfarmers.com
Gatsby: Saturday/Sunday (bottomless); 1205 Half Street; gatsbyrestaurant.com
Gerrard Street Kitchen: Saturday/Sunday; 1515 Rhode Island Avenue NW; thedarcyhotel.com
The Grill: Saturday/Sunday; 99 Market Square SW; thegrilldc.com
Grillfish: (Saturday/Sunday); 1200 New Hampshire Ave NW; grillfishdc.com
Halfsmoke: Daily (bottomless); 651 Florida Avenue NW; halfsmoke.com
Harvey's: Sunday; 513 W. Broad Street; harveysva.com
Hawthorne: Saturday/Sunday (bottomless); 1336 U Street NW; hawthornedc.com
Hello Betty: Saturday/Sunday; 940 Rose Avenue, North Bethesda; hellobettybethesda.com
Honeymoon Chicken: Saturday/Sunday; Petworth & Bethesda, MD; honeymoonchicken.com
I Egg You: Saturday/Sunday; 423 8th Street SE; ieggyou.com
ilili: Sunday; 100 District Square SW; ililirestaurants.com
Immigrant Food: Saturday/Sunday; 1701 Pennsylvania Avenue NW; immigrantfood.com
Imperfecto: (Saturday/Sunday); 1124 23rd Street NW; imperfectodc.com
The Imperial: Saturday/Sunday; 2001 18th Street NW; imperialdc.com
Ivy City Smokehouse: Sunday; 1356 Okie Street NE; tavern.ivycitysmokehouse.com
Jack Rose: Sunday; 2007 18th Street NW; jackrosediningsaloon.com
Joe’s Seafood: Saturday/Sunday; 750 15th Street NW; joes.net
La Famosa: Saturday/Sunday; 1300 4th Street SE; eatlafamosa.com
Laduree: Saturday/Sunday; 3060 M Street NW; laduree.us
The Lafayette at Hay Adams: Saturday/Sunday; 800 16th Street NW; hayadams.com
Le Diplomate: Saturday/Sunday; 1601 14th Street NW; lediplomatedc.com
Lebanese Taverna: Saturday/Sunday; Silver Spring, Rockville, DC; lebanesetaverna.com
Logan Tavern: (Saturday/Sunday); 1423 P Street NW; logantavern.com
Lupo Pizzeria: Saturday/Sunday (bottomless); 1908 14th Street NW; lupopizzeriadc.com
Lupo Verde: Saturday/Sunday (bottomless); 1401 T Street NW; lupoverdedc.com
Lyle’s: Saturday/Sunday (DJ, bottomless); 1731 New Hampshire Avenue NW; lyledc.com
Maiz64: Saturday/Sunday; 1324 14th Street NW; maiz64.com
Makan: Saturday/Sunday; 3400 11th Street NW; makarestaurantdc.com
Matt and Tony's: Tuesday-Sunday; 1501 Mount Vernon Avenue, Alexandria; mattandtonysva.com
Medium Rare: Saturday/Sunday (bottomless); Bethesda, DC, Arlington; mediumrarerestaurant.com
Mi Casa: Saturday/Sunday (bottomless); 1647 20th Street NW; micasa-mexico.com
Mission Dupont: Saturday/Sunday (bottomless); 1606 20th Street NW; missiondupont.com
Mission Navy Yard: (Saturday/Sunday); 1221 Van Street SE, missionnavyyard.com
Mon Ami Gabi: Saturday/Sunday; 7239 Woodmont Avenue; monamigabi.com
Newland: Saturday/Sunday; 327 7th Street SE; newlanddc.com
Officina: Saturday/Sunday; 1120 Maine Avenue SW; officinadc.com
Opaline: Saturday/Sunday; 806 15th Street NW; opalinedc.com
Ottoman Taverna: Saturday/Sunday (bottomless); ottomantaverna.com
Pamplona: Saturday/Sunday (bottomless); 3100 Clarendon Blvd, Arlington; pamplonava.com
NEW: Patty O's Cafe: Sunday; 389 Main Street, Washington, VA; exploretock.com/pattyoscafe
Pearl Dive Oyster Palace: Saturday/Sunday; 1612 14th Street NW; pearldivedc.com
The Pembroke: Saturday/Sunday; 1500 New Hampshire Avenue NW; thepembrokedc.com
The Pig: Saturday/Sunday; 1320 14th Street NW; thepigdc.com
Pisco Y Nazca: Saturday/Sunday; 1823 L Street NW; piscoynazca.com
Quattro Osteria: Saturday/all day Sunday); 600 Florida Avenue NW; quattroosteria.com
Rustico: Saturday/Sunday; Alexandria, Ballston; rusticorestaurant.com
Ruthie’s All Day: Saturday/Sunday; 3411 5th Street S Arlington; ruthiesallday.com
Salazar: (Saturday/Sunday); 1819 14th Street NW; salazardc.com
The Salt Line: Saturday/Sunday; 4040 Wilson Boulevard; 703.566.2075; thesaltline.com
Season’s at the Four Seasons: Saturday/Sunday; 2800 Pennsylvania Avenue NW; fourseasons.com
SER: Saturday/Sunday; 1110 N Glebe Road Arlington; serrestaurant.com
Smoke & Mirrors: Saturday/Sunday; 867 New Jersey Avenue SE; smokeandmirrorsrooftop.com
Sticky Fingers Diner: Saturday/Sunday; 406 H Street NE; stickyfingersdiner.com
Succotash Prime: Saturday/Sunday; 915 F Street NW; succotashrestaurant.com
Summer House Santa Monica: Saturday/Sunday; 11825 Grand Park Avenue; summerhousesm.com
Tabard Inn: Saturday/Sunday; 1739 N Street NW; tabardinn.com
Taberna del Alabardero: Saturday/Sunday (bottomless); 1776 I Street NW; alabardero.com
Tabla: Saturday/Sunday; 3227 Georgia Avenue NW; tabladc.com
Takoda: Saturday/Sunday (bottomless); 715 Florida Ave NW; takodadc.com
Teddy & The Bully Bar: Sunday (bottomless); 1200 19th Street NW; teddyandthebullybar.com
Tico: Saturday/Sunday (bottomless); 1926 14th Street NW; ticodc.com
Tony & Joe’s: Saturday/Sunday; 3000 K Street NW; tonyandjoes.com
TTT Clarendon: Saturday/Sunday (bottomless); 2900 Wilson Boulevard Arlington; tttrestaurant.com
NEW: Vermilion: Saturday/Sunday (expanded Bourbon selection); 1120 King St Alexandria; vermilionrestaurant.com
Vue: (Saturday/Sunday); 515 15th Street NW; thehotelwashington.com
Zaytinya: Saturday/Sunday; (rosé menu); 701 9th Street NW; zaytinya.com