14th Annual Silver Spring FreshFarm Market Tomato Tasting
August 17,2024 –
August 17,2024
FreshFarm Market SIlver Spring
1 Veterans Place, Silver Spring, MD
1 Veterans Place, Silver Spring, MD
It’s ‘Green Zebra’ vs. ‘Sun Gold,' heirloom versus hybrid, the tomato wars have just begun. Everyone is sure that their tomato pick is the tastiest. Join Washington Gardener Magazine for a Tomato Tasting. Farmers at the market will contribute their locally grown selections — from super-sweet ‘Sungold’ to not-so-pretty ‘Cherokee Purple’ — and you’ll explore which tomatoes make the short list of favorites. There will be tomato gardening tips, tomato recipes, tomato activities for kids, and much more. All to celebrate one of summer’s greatest indulgences — the juicy fresh tomato. Best of all, this event is free! 10:00 a.m. - noon.