A Fall Frolic Garden To Table Full Moon Harvest Dinner
October 13,2019 –
October 13,2019
L'Auberge Chez Francois
332 Springvale Rd Great Falls, Virginia
332 Springvale Rd Great Falls, Virginia
The Garden to Table Dinner is a special chance for Chef Jacques to create a full menu featuring the very fresh items that come from our gardens while enjoying all the added healthful benefits. Chef Jacques is still harvesting plenty of kale, lettuces, greens, haricots verts, cabbages, herbs and other produce from the garden. The full moon party begins with a reception, sipping North Gate Rhatsiteli and savoring seasonal canapés. The event is at 5:30 p.m. Tickets are $128. To purchase a ticker, click here. Photo Credit: L'Auberge Chez Francois.