Brunch on the Go
May 04,2022 –
May 04,2022
Pacers at The Yards Park
355 Water Street SE, Washington DC
355 Water Street SE, Washington DC
Back by popular demand The Yards is partnering with Pacers to produce a cardio club for the brunching set! Treat yourself to bubble and brunch with your walking/running crew. There are two cardio options at 10:00 a.m. or 10:30 a.m., and both include a 2 mile walk or a 5 mile run. Brunch on the Go will be held on Saturday May 7th, 14th, and 21st. Tickets are for groups of 2, so you can bring a buddy! Included with your tickets are a guided warm up, walk or run and stretch with Pacers, 2 water bottles, 2 champagne glasses, one bottle of bubbles, and brunch for 2 from your selected restaurant. For an outline of the featured restaurant and brunch menu at each Brunch, visit here. Tickets are $55 per person and can be reserved here.