Buy Your Tickets For La Fête Du Rosé Wine And Music Festival

June 17,2019 – June 17,2019 all-day Repeats
National Harbor
165 Waterfront Street, National Harbor MD

Organizers of La Fête du Rosé, a picnic-style celebration of rosé wine, champagne and lifestyle, recently announced plans to expand the event to the Washington D.C. area for its debut at the National Harbor. Festival attendees will be required to arrive dressed to impress in their finest pink and/or white attire for a full day of listening to music from world-renowned artists and DJs, and indulging in wine, champagne and rosé-inspired cocktails, gourmet picnic baskets curated by top chefs and local food trucks, life-sized games, live art installations, share-worthy photo opportunities, and a variety of other new and exciting experiences. This unique concept will soon establish itself as one of the hottest and most talked about new events, dazzling both locals and visitors alike. 12:00 to 8:00 p.m. Admission costs $30, and VIP packages start at $175. To purchase your ticket, please click here.