Catoctin Creek Bottling Workshop

June 22,2019 – June 22,2019 all-day
Catoctin Creek Distillery
120 W. Main Street, Purcellville Virginia

Catoctin Creek Distilling Company will conduct a bottling day. They will buy breakfast for all that attend. This is always such a fun workshop, and you get a special tour from Scott and Becky Harris, recently named by Southern Living as one of the top 50 people in changing the South in 2015! Learn how to bottle, cap, seal, and label Roundstone Rye. Get your chance to work the magic "whisky cow"! Or maybe you'd like to try your hands at operating "Ninette", their fancy French labeling machine! This is a fun and informative day! The morning wills start off with breakfast and a tour from the owners, Scott and Becky, explaining how they make their hand-crafted spirits, then you will bottle whisky, and wrap up the morning with a tasting of their spirits!  You can even purchase a signed bottle that you filled yourself. 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. To RSVP, please click here.