Congo Cravings: Chicken Mwamba, Sweet Plantains, & Fufu at Hill Center
September 17,2024 –
September 17,2024
Hill Center DC
921 Pennsylvania Avenue SE
921 Pennsylvania Avenue SE
In this interactive cooking class, Marianne Tshihamba serves up dishes inspired by her travels. Take a trip to Chef Tshihamba’s home country, the Congo! Chicken Mwamba is a savory dish native to Central Africa that has been deemed the national dish of the Congo. It is a simple, but delicious dish that serves as a great introduction to African cuisine. Pair the sauce of the chicken with the sweetness of plantains and you’ve got yourself a plate-licking meal! Lastly, Chef Tshihamba will walk you through the Congolese version of mashed potatoes (fufu), to round the full meal out. $69 per person; register here. 6:00 - 8:30 p.m.