Cork's Annual (Virtual) Gingerbread Party

December 07,2020 – December 12,2020 all-day
Cork Wine Bar & Market
1805 14th Street NW

Join for Cork's annual Gingerbread party, just virtual this year. Cork provides all you need to decorate and an instructional video for you. However, you don't need to wait to build your houses, you can do it any time after picking up the kit. All the fixins' of Cork's annual party for you to take home and do in the safety of your own home. Don't forget to snap a picture and send to them. Join the party and pick up your gingerbread house kit, icing, candy, cookies, and table covers for $40 per person. Add wine for an additional price. Pick up your kit any time during open hours December 7th through December 12th. To order, please click here