Fifth Anniversary Celebration Of Twin Creeks Distillery

August 03,2019 – August 03,2019 all-day
Twin Creeks Distillery
510 Franklin Street, Rocky Mount VA

Twin Creeks Distillery is having an anniversary event to celebrate 5 years. The event will again see Twin Creeks Distillery partner with Southern Smoke who will be doing wood fired pizza for the event. There will be spirits and cocktails with Twin Creeks Distillery, a bootlegging art crawl, showcasing moonshining artifacts, stories, videos, and photos, free wood-fired pizza with Southern Smoke Co BBQ and catering, cold-brew cocktails with Rocsato Coffee Roasters, LLC (Samples of Cold Brew without liquor are free), and a music jam on the streets with a local, Franklin County string band. 5:00 to 9:00 p.m.