Hari Raya (Eid) Specials at Makan
May 01,2022 –
May 01,2022
3400 11th St NW, Washington DC
3400 11th St NW, Washington DC
In honor of Hari Raya (Eid), Chef James Wozniuk will serve a few dinner specials of dishes traditionally enjoyed in Malyalsian for Hari Raya at Makan, his restuaruant in Columbia Heights. Dishes will include nasi impit (pressed rice cakes) served with peanut sauce, sweet corn and serunding ikan ($14 per serving), nasi neriani berlapis (layered beriani rice) lamb shank, basmati rice, cashews, golden raisins, saffron and ghee ($28 per serving), and kuih bangkit (coconut pandan cookies, $5 per order). Visit Makan's website to make your reservation!