MARK YOUR CALENDAR: ONLINE CLASS Food Memoirs: A Fanciful Trip Into The Kitchen Of Our Memories
Online Class
Mark your calendars for this online class. Food has a way of transporting you back to a place or to a special experience. It reminds you of who you are and where you come from, and it connects you to your cultural heritage. Flavors and smells can trigger vivid memories of family, friends and moments in your past, like the aromas of Grandma’s holiday kitchen, Mom’s decked out tables, Dad’s Sunday morning waffles, or a wonderous meal on vacation. In this class, you will write about and discuss your own food memories; recipes that mean something to you; food-inspired memoirs; culinary vocabulary; Indigenous food origin stories; the psychology of food memories; and, of course, cookbooks, what they mean to you and how they inspire you to savor the food experiences that you want to share. Come prepared to tell your stories – whether delectable or a kitchen failure – and to laugh. There will be writing prompts, conversation, and a dash of homework. Together, you will build a treasure trove of food memories and stories that showcase the class’s collective families, friends, countries, cultures and places that influence you, not only in the kitchen, but also in your travels. You will share stories of where you have been and consider why one always keeps certain items in the pantry. $130 per person. This is an online class, three Wednesdays, November 3rd, 10th, and 17th, 9:00. to 11:00 a.m. For more information, please click here.