March 03,2021 – March 03,2021 all-day
Sixth & I
Online Event

Mark your calendars for Seder Says: a virtual event hosted by Sixth & I. While some of the food at a Passover seder should fall flat, the conversation around the table should be anything but. Modeled after the Roman Symposium, a seder worth its weight in matzah bridges the themes of the Passover story with the topics trending in your Twitter feed so those around your table are fired up late into the night from the lively conversations (and let’s be honest, those four glasses of wine). If your plans could use some fresh ideas, Rabbi Shira and other Sixth & I’ers will offer timely and provocative short discussions to inspire or just use in their entirety at your own seders. This is an online event. You will receive a Zoom link to the virtual class in your confirmation email, forty-eight hours, two hours, and ten minutes before the class begins. $12, or free for those who want to learn Torah, but their budget is a little tight right now. Begins at 7:00 p.m. on March 16th. For more information, please click here