Meditation at the Museum at The George Washington Museum and The Textile Museum
December 16,2023 –
December 16,2023
The George Washington Museum and The Textile Museum
701 21st Street NW
701 21st Street NW
The museum and the Center for Mindful Living invite you to join a free meditation session in the museum once a month. Sessions take place in the gallery amid Anne Lindberg’s site-specific installation what color is divine light? Participants will be gently guided through an introspective experience that integrates breath and body-focused awareness, compassion-evoking affirmations, visualizations and slow, intentional movement. The meditation will be led by two experienced guides who have studied mindfulness under Tara Brach, Jack Kornfield and other teachers. No previous experience is necessary. Yoga mats and stools for all sessions are provided by the museum. Register here. 10:15 a.m.