Meet Sarah Fennel: A Signing at Bold Fork Books

October 10,2024 – October 10,2024 all-day
Bold Fork Books
3064 Mount Pleasant Street NW

Bold Fork Books invites you to join them for:

A Special Signing with Sarah Fennel! She'll be at the shop signing books, taking photos, and meeting fans.

Some details:

  1. Every ticket entitles you to ONE BOOK. Additional books will be on sale at the event.
  2. There are NO REFUNDS for this event-- if you suddenly can’t come that day, no problem, we will get a book signed and hold it (or you can contact the shop for shipping)
  3. You must be in line by 7pm in order to get your book signed
  4. You can buy additional books to get signed on site

Tickets cost $35 per person. To purchase a ticket, click here.