Niki Segnit, Lateral Cooking: One Dish Leads To Another

October 20,2019 – October 20,2019 all-day
Politics And Prose At Union Market
1270 5th Street NE

To free herself from mechanically following recipes, Segnit wrote her award-winning The Flavor Thesaurus, which laid out the 160 most essential flavors of foods. Her follow-up draws on culinary science, history, stories from professional kitchens, food writers, and her own experience to catalog the formulas underlying most recipes. Divided into twelve basic culinary categories such as bread, sauce, and stock, the book arranges the recipes for each chapter along a continuum that allows cooks to proceed in an intuitive way, moving from one dish to the next with just the tweak of a few ingredients or methods. Endlessly adaptable, these rubrics will inspire improvisation and resourcefulness. This event is free to attend and from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. For more informtion click here.