Online Class And In-Person Demonstration: Creating A Pollinator Garden, One Plot At A Time

April 15,2022 – April 15,2022 all-day Repeats
Politics and Prose
5015 Connecticut Avenue NW (+ Online)

Creating a pollinator garden is easy. Learn the steps you can take and the native keystone trees, shrubs and plants and the critical role they play to develop your own native patch of paradise. In addition to examining the effects of climate change on plants and invasive species, the presentation will explain what gardening practices you should ditch and the new environmentally and sound techniques that will save you time and money. A spreadsheet will detail what native plants thrive in our area and their light needs, bloom time, colors of the flowers, height and spread, and whether they attract pollinators, a very important factor. On Friday, April 22nd "Earth Day," there we will be a hands-on planting demonstration outdoors in front of the Politics and Prose Connectitcut Avenue Bookstore introducing planting techniques of native seeds, bulbs, bare roots and seedlings. $50 per household. Two Fridays: April 15th online and April 22nd in-person, from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. For more information, please click here.