Profs & Pints DC: Medieval Monsters
October 18,2022 –
October 18,2022
Hill Center at the Old Naval Hospital
921 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, Washington DC
921 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, Washington DC
Profs & Pints DC is making it's debut at the Hill Center with an exciting Medieval Monsters talk given by Lilla Kopár, a professor of medieval literature and culture at Catholic University, who teaches courses on medieval monster lore and Norse mythology. Her illustreated talk will explore the origins of medieval monster lore in the classical, biblical, and Norse mythological traditions, as well as giving audience members a much more nuanced understanding of monsters and explaining how we don't just fear them, but love them and badly need them in our lives. For more information about the monstrous world you'll be diving into, visit www.profsandpints.com. Tickets are available for $12 per person (advanced price), $15 per person at the door, or $13 with a student ID. To purchase tickets click here. Doors will open at 6:00 p.m. with the talk beginning approximately 30 minutes later.