Sake And The National Philharmonic Symphony
Sake is a versatile drink that can be enjoyed with good food such as sushi, or even by itself. What you may not know, however, is that sake also pairs well with classical music. Japan-America Society of Washington DC is collaborating with the National Philharmonic and D.C. Sake Co. to deliver a classical music and sake experience to your home. Enjoy Vivaldi’s “Spring” played by the National Philharmonic while sipping Nanbu Bijin Tokubetsu Junmai, a luscious Japanese sake from Iwate prefecture. It’s time to celebrate spring, and what better way than with beautiful music and sake? Tickets range from $20 to $47 and the event will be live from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. The deadline to purchase tickets is April 17th. To register and for more information please click here.