Stories By Starlight
May 03,2019 –
May 03,2019
McLean Community Center
1234 Ingleside Ave. McLean, VA
1234 Ingleside Ave. McLean, VA
For ages 3-8. This new story time program features local children’s authors and storytellers. Authors will read stories to your children as they follow along in their own books. After the reading, they will answer any questions you may have about their characters, storyline or anything else you find interesting. Christina Graham will read her book, “Bunnies Are a Lot Like You and Me.” This is a cozy, relaxed event for young children and their parents. $20 per family; price includes the purchase of a book from the author. The event is from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. For more information, click here. Photo Credit: McLean Community Center