womxn in wine: Leah Jorgensen Wine Dinner at the duck & the peach
August 07,2022 –
August 07,2022
the duck & the peach
300 7th Street SE, Washington DC
300 7th Street SE, Washington DC
the duck & the peach is continuing their womxn in wine series with a special dinner featuring guest DC-native & Oregon winemaker Leah Jorgensen. The evening will boast a three-course dinner plus dessert prepared by Chef Kat Petonito & Pastry Chef Rochelle Cooper. Each course is perfectly paired with one of Leah's own wines, including some of the duck & the peach's own Wine Director, Danya Degen's favorites! Throughout the dinner seating Leah will show you the world of Oregon wine beyond Williamette pinot noir. Reservations may be made for $155 per person, which includes a 22% service charge to professionalize pay in the restaurant industry. Two dinner seatings will be held, at 5:00 p.m. and at 6:30 p.m., reservations can be made at www.theduck&thepeach.com.