Worst Party Ever With Camp Trash At Pie Shop
1339 H Street NE
Worst Party Ever is a bedroom emo project from Sarasota, Florida, consisting of Andrew “Andy” Schueneman, Michael Galvano, Benjamin Durshimer, and Kyle Meggison. While members and lineups have switched, Andy has remained as the frontman and rhythm guitarist since their first release in 2014. Worst Party Ever is a name known around the Florida DIY scene very well, even with there being four-hour drives from Sarasota to any of the next nearest conglomerates DIY spaces—which include Miami, Sarasota, Gainesville, and Orlando. Any show in this swamp you go to, it’s almost guaranteed that someone there has met Andy, or has at least heard of Worst Party Ever. - The Alternative. $10 to $12 per person. Wednesday, January 18th at 8:00 p.m. For more information, please click here.