Foodie & The Beast: It's in the Bag: August 7, 2022
So what did you miss? Sunday’s #FoodieAndTheBeast was purposefully packed & way boozier than expected:
- Bob Wiley brought in his delicious Deviation Distilling gins (just look at that gorgeous packaging)
- Swirls of sweet pastry, PB&J French toast & so much more: Art & Soul from Chef Danny Chavez
- We now know to use reusable bags every time we shop. We all should thank Bag Lady, Lisa D. Foster, for her ingenuity.
- Whole hog cooking - for real - with Caboose Tavern’s Chef David Rabin
- The Cocktail King’s Colin Asare-Appiah chats his new book, Black Mixcellence: A Comprehensive Guide
Listen in for the full epsiode here.
- Bob Wiley brought in his delicious Deviation Distilling gins (just look at that gorgeous packaging)
- Swirls of sweet pastry, PB&J French toast & so much more: Art & Soul from Chef Danny Chavez
- We now know to use reusable bags every time we shop. We all should thank Bag Lady, Lisa D. Foster, for her ingenuity.
- Whole hog cooking - for real - with Caboose Tavern’s Chef David Rabin
- The Cocktail King’s Colin Asare-Appiah chats his new book, Black Mixcellence: A Comprehensive Guide
Listen in for the full epsiode here.