Foodie & The Beast: Oodaalolly Golly What a Day! April 10, 2022

Soft pretzels are Nycci's kryptonite! Especially those made with spicy queso cheese. It’s like today’s Foodie & The Beast guest, Jeff Fugate of Empty Bowl Queso threw the gauntlet to test her willpower, #EpicFail. The rest of our guests did not test our will but did share their incredible skills and knowledge: ⁠
- Deb Moser of Central Farm Markets ANNOUNCED the May opening of Half Street Market (Right in front of Nat’s Stadium)⁠
- James Simpson, Beverage Director and Partner at Espita, took us on a delicious tour of the 22 cocktails now on their cocktail menu⁠
- Chef Adrienne Cheatham of Top chef fame has taken her idea of Sunday Best and created a glorious cookbook, inspired by the longstanding African American tradition of wearing your best clothes on Sundays for church Chef Adrienne dresses Southern/Soul food up for us this Sunday. ⁠
- Don’t just say Oodaalolly, sing it! Is an expression of joy, surprise and delight and what inspires Swiss-Filipino entrepreneur ⁠
and sixth-generation chocolate maker Hernan Lauber’s delicious creations⁠
Tune in to David & Nycci on Foodie & The Beast, Sundays at 11AM on 1500AM or click here to listen.