Big In Japan: Industry Night, June 21, 2022
In March 2011, a magnitude-9.0 earthquake and then a massive tsunami struck Japan’s Tohoku region along the northeast coast. Near-total devastation and more than 20,000 deaths, Wiping out most of its food production it had forced the Japanese to reimagine the framework of the local economy, and it’s responding with surprising economic vigor thanks to new approaches to farming and fishing. Here in the US, the Japanese Embassy works to connect & educate US chefs and consumers on Tohoku’s farmers and fishermen. On the next Industry Night, Ryo Tsuzukihashi, Agriculture attaché at the Embassy of Japan, and Misaki Tanida, of Horaiya Honten Join Nycci to discuss how the region literally is rising from ashes. Tuesdays at 7pm on Real Fun DC. Listen to the full episode here.