Changing The Conversation of Food Insecure to Sovereignty: Industry Night, December 14, 2021
The holiday season can be a time of pure gluttony. A glut of friends, family, food and food and food and all the festivities that are usually centered on food. And with all that excess, it is gobsmacking to believe that in this country there are many and of all ages who are in a struggle to access food. On the next Industry Night, Nycci brings in a panel of experts — Mike Curtin, Jr, of DC Central Kitchen, Christopher Bradshaw of Dreaming Out Loud and Kate Urbank Food Rescue — to talk Food Sovereignty, Systemic Issues, Food Waste, Access and how we answer the call to take care of each other. Industry Night, 7:00 p.m. on Tuesdays on Real Fun DC. Listen to the full episode here.