How FreshFarm Markets Continue to Locally Feed: Industry Night, March 28, 2024
Thanks for joining us again on Industry Night with me — Nycci Nellis. It is patio season in DC and I am so so excited because this month’s show is being taped at Tony & Joe’s right down on the water in Georgetown. If you live in the DMV or have ever visited this city chances are you’ve been here. They have one of the best patios – it looks out on the Potomac with views of the Kennedy Center.
Seriously, on a gorgeous day, you want to sit out on that patio with a tray of fresh shucked oysters and a glass of rose and watch the boats go by. Thanks as always to Greg Casten and his whole team for always being such a tremendous supporter of me, this show, and the work that I do.
Today, I’ll be chatting with Hugo Mogollon, the Executive Director of Fresh Farm Markets here in the DMV. Before launching The List in 2003, I was already a Fresh Farm supporter. I would schlep all five kids down to Dupont Circle on Sundays, not long after that first market opened in 1997, and we would leave with bags and bags of vegetables, eggs, and fruit. Once in the Industry, I became friendly with the FreshFarm founders, Bernie Prince and Ann Yonkers. They were some of the first guests on Foodie & the Beast. Over the years, FreshFarm Markets have expanded with more than 20 markets, and have created incredible outreach programs that bring fresh food to so many people. AND, FreshFarm has launched many businesses in this area as well. Giving makers an opportunity to R&D, grow and create brick & mortars — Call Your Mother, Red Apron and Gordy’s Pickles comes to mind.
But first a little on where I’ve been:
- I emceed the Embassy Chefs Challenge and it was amazing
- I ate all the things at the Regarding Her Women’s History Month Dinner at Centrolina with Tiffany MacIssac, Amy Brandwein, Ellen Yin, Kimberly Prince and Rochelle Cooper
- I also judged a pisco competition at Causa — cause that’s what I do
- And, not food but a lil’ culture, took in the Star Power exhibit at the Portrait Gallery. I am a huge George Hurrell fan.
As I mentioned, I am a FreshFarm fan and a shopper. In 2019 Hugo Mogollon joined FreshFarm as executive director. Fresfarm merged with Community Foodworks, which Hugo had led for five years, and now FreshFarm is the largest farmers market organization in the Mid-Atlantic. What Freshfarm can now offer as a regional food system is immense, as is their reach and impact. I am ready to get all updated – aren’t you?
Listen to the full episode here, and watch it all, here.