124 Blagden Alley NW
The Columbia Room, the stylish cocktail bar created by Derek Brown, is switching up their business model as a result of COVID-19., The concept is offering guests a variety of to-go cocktails and small plates for pickup. Most recently, the Columbia Room has announced the opening of of a sandwich pop-up: Get a Hero Be a Hero. Per every sandwich ordered, the charity-driven idea awards one sandwich to first responders, hospital workers, or those in need. Standout creations includes the Mort & Mootz, a hero-inspired dish with mozzarella, mortadella, shredded lettuce, onions, Duke's mayo, pickled red onion, and dressing, along with the Caul Me Maybe; a vegetable Bánh mì, roasted cauliflower, Duke's mayo, Maggi seasoning, pickled onions, cucumber, daikon, carrot, jalapeño, and cilantro. www.columbiaroomdc.com ; 202-316-9396