2nd Annual Re:Her Holiday Market at Cork Wine Bar & Market
December 11,2023 –
December 11,2023
Cork Wine Bar & Market
1805 14th Street NW
1805 14th Street NW
RE:Her, the organization of DMV women and non-binary owned-restaurants, bars and bakeries, will hold its second annual Holiday Market from 5:00 - 8:00 p.m. RE:Her invites you to stock up on holiday gifts, food, and beverages from local woman-owned food establishments such as Cork Wine Bar, Hank’s Oyster Bar, La Patrona Market, Pizzeria Paradiso, Sticky Fingers Bakery, We Are Fishscale and others, while sipping wine and bubbly. You are encouraged to bring packaged menstrual products to donate to I Support the Girls, a charity that collects and distributes bras, underwear, and menstrual products to women in homeless shelters, domestic abuse centers, and newly arrived immigrants. To reserve a spot, click here.