6th Annual Dreaming Out Loud Fall Festival
October 21,2023 –
October 21,2023
Behind Kelly Miller Middle School
301 49th Street NE
301 49th Street NE
Dreaming Out Loud works to create economic opportunities for the DC metro region’s marginalized communities, through building a healthy, equitable food system. This year’s fall festival is a celebration of the end of the farm season and is designed to complement DOL’s programs. Featuring a mix of exciting entertainment and networking opportunities, DOL’s Fall Festival will include dissemination of information about the source of food in a fun and unique environment. Individuals and families will also have a chance to interact with farmers, their peers, and vendors while enjoying flavorful delicacies. No tickets necessary for entry. 10:00 - 2:00 p.m. Learn more at dreamingoutloud.org