A Tale of Two Rivers Blind Wine Tasting and Small Plates Experience at L'Auberge Chez Francois

June 22,2023 – June 22,2023 all-day
L'Auberge Chez François
332 Springfield Road, Great Falls VA

The two most important rivers in France, viticulturally speaking, are the Loire and the Rhône, and they have very little in common! Different climates, different soils, different grape varieties, different traditions, they are a study in contrasts. Please join L'Auberge and Fran Kysela, MS as they compare the two riverine regions through a series of blind tastings. Each tasting will consist of one wine from each river region, accompanied by a dish specially designed by Chef Jacques to complement them both. This event is $150 per person ($192 per person including taxes and gratuity); purchase here. 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.