Brewers On The Block

September 14,2019 – September 14,2019 all-day
Union Market
1309 5th Street NE

For the sixth consecutive year, the Mixtress herself, Gina Chersevani of Buffalo & Bergen and Suburbia will again be hosting a D.C. Beer Week spotlight event: Brewers on the Block at the outdoor drinks haven Suburbia with unlimited tastings. Crack open a cold one and join Chersevani in celebrating a love of all things local! Chersevani’s "hopped up" fête is all about giving the locals their well-deserved day – it will feature boundless tastings from Washington DC area breweries and cideries all pouring to the live music of the Big Bad Juju. Some can’t-miss samples include passionate D.C. favorite 3 Stars Brewing Company located in Takoma Park, seasonally sharp Atlas Brewing Company in Ivy City, and Woodbridge legend DC Brau. For those looking for gluten-free sipping, options abound, with refreshing sips from cideries including D.C.’s own Supreme Core. Staff from the breweries will be on hand to offer samples and answer questions, providing a unique opportunity to get to know the brewing scene first-hand. The VIP Bonus comes with a plethora of perks - an exclusive additional hour of hops, UNICORN beers, and frozen hoptails. 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. General admission tickets cost $55, and VIP tickets are $75. To purchase a ticket, please click here.