Comet Ping Pong Spring Outdoor Music Series

May 26,2021 – May 26,2021 all-day Repeats
Comet Ping Pong
5037 Connecticut Avenue NW

Beginning May 26th and continuing into July, Comet Ping Pong will present a series of concerts in the Comet Ping Pong parking lot pizza garden for a limited audience of pre-reserved, seated, dine-in guests. The Spring schedule features artists ranging from folk and bluegrass to indie rock and synth pop and each performance will feature a comedy opening act to be announced. Tickets will be sold via Eventbrite by purchasing a table which seats up to two, four, or eight guests per table. There is be a two drink minimum for all attendees. Food and drinks will be available to purchase from Comet Ping Pong, Buck's Fishing & Camping, and Muchas Gracias. Prices range from $15 to $60. Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. For more information, please click here.