Demystify the Classifications of Bordeaux
Bordeaux produces some of the greatest wines in the world. It is a large and complicated region with over 60 sub-regions and nearly 8000 producers. Many of the finest Chateau (producers) are ‘classified’. Join Jay Youmans MW via Cisco Webex as he explains the classifications of Bordeaux, assesses the importance of this system, and identifies some of the best wines for the money. In addition to the different regions in Bordeaux, there are also several classification levels for producers. Suffice to say that Bordeaux classifications only exist to increase demand and cause prices to rise. Perhaps the best takeaway is to realize that the Bordelais use the word “Cru” rather unstintingly; the word means “growth” and not “the best”. Saint-Emilion, Graves, and Médoc all have different classification systems. Médoc even has two. $55. 5:00 to 7:30 p.m. To register, please click here.