Essential Blind Tasting Skills Online July 2022
Online Class
Blind tasting wine is more than a parlor trick, or a way to impress your friends; it is the most effective way to develop your tasting skills. Learn to identify grapes and regions by color, acidity, residual sugar, tannin, alcohol, winemaking techniques, flavor, and aroma. These skills will help you improve your ability to assess, judge, describe, and buy wine (for both consumers and wine professionals). You will blind taste twelve wines, each followed by a debriefing and group discussion. You will learn how to assess the main components of wine; recognize the main styles of wine; identify the most important wine grapes and blends; understand the impact of soil and climate on color, aroma, and flavor; recognize winemaking techniques; distinguish between typicity, quality and style; assess the components needed for extended aging; describe color, aroma, and flavor; and make final quality assessments. $95 per person. This class is taught on Cisco Webex or Zoom on July 8th from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Wine samples are available for curbside pickup by appointment on July 7th between 12:00 and 5:00 p.m. For more information or to register, please click here.