Exemplary Producers As A Route To Excellence With Michael Franz Online
September 25,2021 –
September 25,2021
Capital Wine School (Online Class)
5207 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite #7, Third Floor (Online Class)
5207 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite #7, Third Floor (Online Class)
Adventuresome wine lovers routinely focus on the world’s great growing locations and the grape varieties that excel in them, and rightly so: Learning the key global synergies between grapes and terroirs is the primary path to vinous excellence. However, that is certainly not the only path, as proved by the fact that some wine producers manage to achieve conspicuously excellent results regardless of vintage conditions, even as their neighbors struggle when working with the same grapes in the same place during difficult growing seasons. This tasting class will survey a dozen of the world’s most consistently outstanding producers while exploring the reasons behind their uncanny success from year to year. In addition to tasting a dozen excellent wines, you’ll also come away with a reservoir of knowledge regarding how the world’s best producers earned that status, as well as a go-to list of wineries offering assured enjoyment. Tickets are $85 and the class will be taught on Cisco, Zoom, or Webex from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Wine samples are available for pickup by appointment on September 24 between 12:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. For tickets and more information please click here.