MARK YOUR CALENDAR: Gin 201 with McClintock Distilling
January 02,2023 –
January 02,2023
The Wells
727 C Street, SE
727 C Street, SE
Join Head Distiller and Owner Braeden Bumpers in mixing and blending botanicals to make your own gin.
From 5-7 pm you'll learn how gin shaped the course of history and taste through cutting edge and experimental gins styles from around the world. You will learn how to best utilize different styles of gins into several cocktails, from classic gin and tonics to modern craft mixology recipes.Finally, you will create your own custom blend of rare botanicals to take home and make your own compound gin.
Tickets are $85 per person and can be purchased here: https://www.sevenrooms.com/experiences/thewells/gin-201-with-mcclintock-distilling-8643000235?_ct=YWhOemZuTmxkbVZ1Y205dmJYTXRjMlZqZFhKbGNqWUxFZzl1YVdkb2RHeHZiM0JmVm1WdWRXVVlnSUQwNl8zUW5Rb01DeElOUlcxaGFXeERZVzF3WVdsbmJoaUFnSUxRak5DVEN3dyMyMDIzLTAxLTI3I255Y2NpQHRoZWxpc3RhcmV5b3Vvbml0LmNvbSNhaE56Zm5ObGRtVnVjbTl2YlhNdGMyVmpkWEpsY2ljTEVocHVhV2RvZEd4dmIzQmZWbVZ1ZFdWSGNtOTFjRU5zYVdWdWRCaUFnS3lRbk5qTUNRdw%3D%3D
From 5-7 pm you'll learn how gin shaped the course of history and taste through cutting edge and experimental gins styles from around the world. You will learn how to best utilize different styles of gins into several cocktails, from classic gin and tonics to modern craft mixology recipes.Finally, you will create your own custom blend of rare botanicals to take home and make your own compound gin.
Tickets are $85 per person and can be purchased here: https://www.sevenrooms.com/experiences/thewells/gin-201-with-mcclintock-distilling-8643000235?_ct=YWhOemZuTmxkbVZ1Y205dmJYTXRjMlZqZFhKbGNqWUxFZzl1YVdkb2RHeHZiM0JmVm1WdWRXVVlnSUQwNl8zUW5Rb01DeElOUlcxaGFXeERZVzF3WVdsbmJoaUFnSUxRak5DVEN3dyMyMDIzLTAxLTI3I255Y2NpQHRoZWxpc3RhcmV5b3Vvbml0LmNvbSNhaE56Zm5ObGRtVnVjbTl2YlhNdGMyVmpkWEpsY2ljTEVocHVhV2RvZEd4dmIzQmZWbVZ1ZFdWSGNtOTFjRU5zYVdWdWRCaUFnS3lRbk5qTUNRdw%3D%3D