National Cherry Blossom Kite Festival

March 26,2023 – March 26,2023 all-day
Washington Monument Grounds and Featured Parks
National Kite-Flying Day is the perfect day for the National Cherry Blossom Festival to share all the ways attendees can 'spring' on the fun of kite flying. The Blossom Kite Festival showcases kite performances and competitions, kite-making activities, a family field with children's activities, and more. Special guest, Mr. Mikio Toki, a master of traditional Edo-style kites, has traveled the world showcasing his kites and will travel from Japan to be at this year's Blossom Kite Festival. The Festival is free and open to the public on Saturday, March 26th from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. For more information visit the Festival website