No-Cover Pizza And Beer Party With Karaoke And Board Games
50 Blagden Alley NW, Washington DC 20001
Calico rings in the New Year with a casual, no-cover pizza and beer party, complete with karaoke and board games. The Blagden Alley urban backyard will serve up a special menu of pizza pies, ranging from a steak of the union topped with bone marrow gruyere, long hots, caramelized onions and short rib; and a white pie topped with garlic, ricotta, rapini and tomato. They’ll pop bottles of Miller High Life Champagne large format beers, and offer a complimentary bubbly toast at midnight. Calico will also host karaoke and have an assortment of games for guests to play, such as Uno, Cards Against Humanity, Never Have I Ever, Jenga, Bob's Burger edition of Clue & Monopoly, Scrabble, Yahtzee, Checkers, playing cards, Catan, Scattergories. This event begins at 4:30 p.m. The party is free to attend and open to the public. Please click here for more details.