The 10th Annual Meridian Global Leadership Summit: Prioritizing People And Planet
Virtual Event
Be part of the solution. Gain global insight. Connect with decision-makers. The 10th Annual Meridian Global Leadership Summit: Prioritizing People and Planet is a fully virtual event that will bring together the top diplomatic, business, and government leaders to the intersection of diplomacy and environmental, social, and governance issues. While climate change is not new to international conversations, COVID-19 has transformed it into a central component of business strategy and community planning, as much as national security and foreign policy priorities. Governments have created new positions for climate envoys and departments of climate change, while businesses are doubling down on investments for a carbon-neutral future. At the same time, global youth activism is sparking progress by all sectors on achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, as well as compelling government and businesses alike to take action on international social and human rights issues. The traditional diplomatic principles of trust, relationship building, and engagement - alongside technological and scientific innovations - will shape how we recover from the largest economic, health, and social crisis of our lifetime. Participants will have the opportunity to attend in-person in Washington or throughout the world, virtually. Concurrent breakout segments, in addition to the plenary sessions, will allow attendees to tailor their experience to match their individual interests and actively participate in the conversation. This is a virtual event. 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. ET. To join the interest list, please click here. For more information, please click here.