The Capital Market: Black Farmers Matter

September 25,2020 – September 25,2020 all-day Repeats
The Capital Market of 20743
111 Capitol Heights Boulevard, Capitol Heights, MD 20743

The Capital Market of 20743 was formed in direct response to the ongoing cycle of disinvestment and food apartheid happening in Capitol Heights, Maryland.  The mission is deeply rooted in not just increasing food access for residents in neighborhoods that have been victims of systematic marginalization, but to advocate for increased land ownership for Black farmers, financial support for Black business, and organizing residents through foodways and food stories that are cherished to build the beloved community Capital Market of 20743 wants to see. For them, the relationship between policing and an inadequate food system in neighborhoods are intertwined. A legacy that stems from the plantation to modern-day land-use policies regulating who belongs in which spaces, and the resources available or belonging in those same spaces. Come enjoy the Farmers Market and help support the community from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. For more information please click here.