Wildset Hotel X Lenora Yerkes: "A Process for Narrative Drawing" Workshop, Lunch & Stay Discount

January 27,2023 – January 27,2023 all-day
Wildset Hotel
209 Talbot St.
Whether your New Year's resolution was to pick up a new hobby, or free your creative spirit, The Wildset hotel has you covered. The 'A Process for Narrative Drawing' Workshop, Lunch, & Stay’ with local artist-illustrator Lenora Yerkes, is a 90-minute drawing workshop. Guests will learn techniques for inhibition-free drawing and writing, quieting the internal editor, and developing a daily creative practice.The workshop ($150 per ticket) includes instruction from Lenora, a notebook, N/A beverages throughout the event, and a seated communal lunch. All attendees will receive a 20% reduced room rate at The Wildset, Thursday, Jan 26th and Friday, Jan 27th plus a 20% discount for those who choose to dine at Ruse on 1/26 or 1/27. For more information contact [email protected]