Yuletide By Candlelight
134 North Royal St. Alexandria, VA 22314
Experience the holiday season with festive activities and fare at historic sites throughout Alexandria. Discover Alexandria's holiday traditions through the centuries, dance in the ballroom at Gadsby’s Tavern Museum, warm yourself by the fire at Carlyle House, make a Victorian keepsake at Lee-Fendall House, and bring the scent of the holidays home from the Apothecary Museum. Enjoy seasonal decorations, refreshments, and take advantage of a 10% discount at the participating Museum Shops! A cash bar for adult beverages will be located at Gadsby's Tavern Museum. Tickets are $30 for Adults, $25 for Seniors (65+) and Active Military, and $8 for children ages 5-12 and includes admission to Gadsby's Tavern Museum, Carlyle House Historic Park, Lee-Fendall House Museum & Garden, and the Stabler-Leadbeater Apothecary Museum. A free shuttle will run between all participating sites throughout the event, and the event is from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. For tickets and more information click here.