So You Think You Know The Restaurant Industry: Industry Night, July 12, 2022
Everyone wants to open up a restaurant! It looks soooo easy — but there’s a reason that the restaurant failure rate is so high an estimated 30% failure rate. Profit margins are notoriously low, staff turnover is incredibly high, and the financial and operational challenges ushered in by the pandemic aren’t going away any time soon. The needs of the DC restaurant and hospitality industry are large. Enter the Restaurant Association of Metropolitan Washington (RAMW) and Executive Director, Kathy Hollinger for the latest status of our industry. What is happening locally - staff shortages, service fees & tipped wage — there’s a lot for the layperson to know and take in to be a truly educated diner! AND! The RAMMY’s are back. All that and more on the next Industry Night with Nycci Nellis, on Real Frun DC. Listen to the full episode here.